Open sourcing AtlasNinja
Discover AtlasNinja: an open-source interactive map for exploring global data, now available on GitHub.

Almost three years ago, we released AtlasNinja, an interactive map showcasing data on countries around the world. Our project began as a shared vision between my late cofounder and me, built with passion and purpose. After his passing a year ago, I found it difficult to continue the work alone, but his dedication to the project has always stayed with me. To honor his memory and ensure the work we built together lives on, I’ve decided to open-source the app. While it may not be much, my hope is that by sharing it with the community, it can inspire, educate, or help others in ways we once dreamed of. If it proves useful to even one person, then it will have been worth it.
AtlasNinja is an interactive choropleth map made with React and Leaflet, further technical details about the project can be found in the repository on GitHub.
I'm not expecting to deliver too many updates from my end, but contributions are more than welcome. If you have questions, feedback or an idea to improve it, please open an issue in the Github issue tracker and/or create a pull request with your proposed change.